Code of professional conduct

The Housing Managers Registration Board (the Board) was established in Hong Kong on 1st April 2000 under the Housing Managers Registration Ordinance No. 72 of 1999 (the Ordinance.).

It is the statutory body in Hong Kong responsible for registration of professional housing managers, the disciplinary control of the professional activities of registered professional housing managers and for related matters.

The constitution of the Board consists of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and not more than 14 members.

The Board shall
  1. establish and maintain a register of registered professional housing managers;
  2. set, review and publish for general information the qualification standards for registration as a registered professional housing manager and related registration matters;
  3. advise the Government and the Hong Kong Institute of Housing (the Institute) on registration matters;
  4. examine and verify the qualifications of persons who apply for registration as registered professional housing managers;
  5. receive, examine, accept or reject applications for registration and renewal of registration as a registered professional housing manager;
  6. deal with disciplinary offences in accordance with the Ordinance;
  7. keep proper records of its proceedings and accounts; and
  8. carry out such other functions as the Ordinance may provide.
Source of Authority

1.The powers of the Board as stated in Section 7(f) and Section 8(e) of the Ordinance deal respectively with disciplinary offences and the issue and publication of a code of professional conduct for registered professional housing managers. 2.This Code of Professional Conduct was approved by the Board on 4th March 2002 and takes effect from 5th March 2002.

Applicability of the Code of Professional Conduct

3.This Code of Professional Conduct is applicable to all registered professional housing managers.

Disciplinary Powers

4.Section 23 of the Ordinance provides, inter alia, the following:
If in the opinion of the Board any registered professional housing manager is guilty of committing a disciplinary offence, he may be suspended from membership for such period as the Board may determine or order the removal of his name from the register.

Disciplinary Procedures

5.The Board is the authority for disciplinary investigations and any decisions related thereto. The Board may, by virtue of Section 21 of the Ordinance, establish an inquiry committee with delegated authority to investigate and report to the Board any matters regarding the conduct of any registered professional housing manager.

6.The composition of an inquiry committee shall comprise not less than three members of the Institute.

7.When an inquiry committee completes its hearing in respect of a disciplinary offence and makes a finding that a disciplinary offence has been committed, the Board shall appoint three of its members to sit with the Chairman as a review committee to review the decision of the inquiry committee.

8.A registered professional housing manager in respect of whom the complaint is made is entitled to attend and hear all evidence produced at the hearing and may be legally represented.

9. A registered professional housing manager who is found having committed a disciplinary offence and has received such Notice from the Board shall be allowed a period of three months to make an appeal to the Court of Appeal under Section 28 of the Ordinance.

Code of Professional Conduct

10. The Code of Professional Conduct is contained in the annexure below.


The Code of Professional Conduct :

Professional Conduct

1. A registered professional housing manager shall discharge his professional responsibilities with competence, dignity, integrity, fairness, courtesy and a sense of responsibility.

2. A registered professional housing manager shall not offer, give, solicit, receive or accept any bribe or advantage as to influence the performance of his professional duties. "Advantage" is defined in section 2 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) as:

  • (a) any gift, loan, fee, reward or commission consisting of money or of any valuable security or of other property or interest in property of any description;
  • (b) any office, employment or contract;
  • (c) any payment, release, discharge or liquidation of any loan, obligation or other liability, whether in whole or in part;
  • (d) any other service, or favour (other than entertainment), including protection from any penalty of disability incurred or apprehended or from any action or proceedings of a disciplinary civil or criminal nature, whether or not already instituted;
  • (e) the exercise or forbearance from the exercise of any right or any power or duty; and
  • (f) any offer, undertaking or promise, whether conditional or unconditional, of any advantage within the meaning of any of the preceding paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e).

3. A registered professional housing manager must declare, within reasonable time, to their employers or clients whenever any conflict of interest arises, whether or not concerning his personal or financial interest which may affect faithful discharge of his duties as a professional housing manager.

4. A registered professional housing manager shall not misuse or abuse his connection with the Board in order to further his business or personal interests.

5. No registered professional housing manager shall be connected with any occupation or business in any way which would, in the opinion of the Board, prejudice his professional status or the reputation of the Board.

6. A registered professional housing manager who makes public his personal views on any subject must not claim or give the impression that they are representing the official views of the Board, unless he has been expressly authorized to do so by the Board.

Personal Conduct

7. A registered professional housing manager shall, at all times, whether in the course of his work or not, conduct himself with honesty, integrity and propriety to be expected of a registered professional housing manager.

8. A registered professional housing manager shall conduct his professional practice or business in strict accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and the laws of foreign countries where he has a business interest.

9. A registered professional housing manager shall uphold the right of equal opportunity and fair dealing.

10. A registered professional housing manager shall not discriminate on grounds of race, colour, creed, gender, religion, age or physical disability.

11. A registered professional housing manager shall not conduct himself in a manner unbefitting a member of the Institute.

Conduct towards Colleagues

12. A registered professional housing manager shall act responsibly, fairly and professionally with due care and due respect to the individuals concerned whenever he is required to offer any comments or criticism on his colleagues. However, it shall be a registered professional housing manager's duty to report immediately any irregularities of a criminal nature in respect of his colleagues to his employer or the authority.

13. A registered professional housing manager shall support the interchange of information and experience with his colleagues.

14. A registered professional housing manager shall assist and support colleagues in their career development.

Conduct towards Employers and Clients
15.A registered professional housing manager must offer complete loyalty to his employer or clients in all business matters, and must act with fairness between his employer or clients and any other party concerned.

16.A registered professional housing manager shall inform his employer and clients, within reasonable time, of any conflict between his personal or financial interests and the faithful service to his employer or clients.

17.A registered professional housing manager shall not offer, give, receive or accept any gift, payment, or other forms of advantage to or from those having business or contractual relationships with his employer or clients without the prior consent of his employer. ("Advantage" is defined in section 2 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) and in paragraph 2 hereof.)

18.A registered professional housing manager shall not misuse or abuse his power or position for his personal interest.

19.A registered professional housing manager shall honour the special trust reposed by his employer, colleagues and clients.
Conduct towards the Community
20.A registered professional housing manager shall, in the discharge of his duties, seek to protect the public's interests, especially where these relate to occupational health, public safety, community welfare and the protection of the environment.

21.A registered professional housing manager shall seek not to do anything that may damage or undermine public understanding of the housing profession.